Curriculum Vitae
Download a pdf version of this CV below with additional details and publications.

Candidate for Ph.D. Computer Engineering (With ECE Fellowship)
Under the Advisement of Dr. Alireza Ramezani, Northeastern University, Boston
Development of onboard perception and autonomous control in extreme environments for multi-modal robots at the Silicon Synapse Lab

Master of Science in Robotics (With Graduate Dean's Scholarship)
Northeastern University, Boston (2020 - 2022)
MS Thesis: Progress Towards Untethered Autonomous Flight of Northeastern University Aerobat
Coursework: Mobile Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, Robotic Sensing and Navigation, Control Systems Engineering, Autonomous Field Robotics, Legged Robotics

B.E. (hons.) Electrical and Computer Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2015-2019)
Coursework: Intro to Robotics, Engineering Math (I,II,III), Control Systems, Object Oriented Programming

Research Assistant, PhD Candidate
Silicon Synapse Lab, Northeastern University, Boston
Since Sept 2022
PhD candidate at lab developing bio-inspired robots with multimodal locomotion capabilities. Leading teams doing research on controls and perception for autonomous operation of our robots in extreme terrain.

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Visiting Student Researcher
Since Aug 2023
Collaborating on multi-modal robot autonomy and controls for various robots including the M4 wheeled-aerial robot, Husky aerial-quadrupedal robot, and Harpy bipedal-aerial robot.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA
Engineering Assistant III (Jan 2022 -Jun 2023)
Graduate Co-op (May - Nov 2021)
Worked with the MBARI Long Range AUV (LRAUV) for carrying out field operations, integrating new sensors and developing new autonomous capabilities.
Involved in hardware and software development and maintenance for REMUS and LRAUV AUVs.

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India
Project Associate, Drone Computing Lab
May 2019 - May 2020
Co-led lab projects under the advisement of Dr. S. N. Omkar in developing autonomy algorithms for UAVs, writing and submitting project proposals for funding and new collaborations and guiding undergraduate interns in student projects. Developed capability to land a UAV autonomously on a moving target. Involved in hardware and software development and maintenance for REMUS and LRAUV AUVs.

Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Undergraduate Intern
Jun - Dec 2018
Worked on developing simulation of 6-dof manipulator arm from scratch using OpenGL and custom IK implementation.
Massachussets Space Grant Consortium Fellowship
Grant awarded for supporting research in aerospace technology, Aug 2022, Sept 2024
Artemis Award: NASA BIG Idea 2022
Part of Team COBRA that won the overall best project at the NASA BIG Idea Competition, 2022
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fellowship, Northeastern University
Awarded as full funding for PhD program at Northeastern University
Graduate Dean’s Scholarship, Northeastern University
Awarded funding of $20,000 towards tuition for MS Robotics Program
National Talent Search Examination Scholarship
Ranked 6th in State, awarded scholarship for secondary education by the Govt. of India
Validation of Tumbling Robot Dynamics with Posture Manipulation for Closed-Loop Heading Angle Control
Adarsh Salagame, Eric Sihite, Alireza Ramezani
Under Review
Reinforcement Learning-Based Model Matching to Reduce the Sim-Real Gap in COBRA
Adarsh Salagame, Harin Kumar Nallaguntla, Bardia Ardakanian, Eric Sihite, Gunar Schirner, Alireza Ramezani
Under Review
Self-supervised cost of transport estimation for multimodal path planning
Vincent Gherold, Ioannis Mandralis, Eric Sihite, Adarsh Salagame, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib
Under Review
Heading Control for Obstacle Avoidance using Dynamic Posture Manipulation during Tumbling Locomotion
Adarsh Salagame, Kruthika Gangaraju, Eric Sihite, Gunnar Schirner, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Loco-Manipulation with Nonimpulsive Contact-Implicit Planning in a Slithering Robot
Adarsh Salagame, Kruthika Gangaraju, Harin Kumar Nallaguntla, Eric Sihite, Gunnar Schirner, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Snake Robot with Tactile Perception Navigates on Large-scale Challenging Terrain
Shuo Jiang, Adarsh Salagame, Alireza Ramezani, Lawson Wong
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Dynamic Posture Manipulation During Tumbling for Closed-Loop Heading Angle Control
Adarsh Salagame, Eric Sihite, Gunnar Schirner, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
Non-impulsive Contact-Implicit Motion Planning for Morpho-functional Loco-manipulation
Adarsh Salagame, Kruthika Gangaraju, Harin Kumar Nallaguntla, Eric Sihite, Gunnar Schirner, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
Capture Point Control in Thruster-Assisted Bipedal Locomotion
Shreyansh Pitroda, Aditya Bondada, Kaushik Venkatesh, Adarsh Salagame, Chenghao Wang, Eric Sihite, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
How Strong a Kick Should be to Topple Northeastern's Tumbling Robot?
Adarsh Salagame, Neha Bhattachan, Andre Caetano, Ian McCarthy, Henry Noyes, Brandon Petersen, Alex Qiu, Matthew Schroeter, Nolan Smithwick, Konrad Sroka, Jason Widjaja, Yash Bohra, Kaushik Venkatesh, Kruthika Gangaraju, Paul Ghanem, Ian Mandralis, Eric Sihite, Arash Kalantari, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
Heirarchical RL-Guided Large-scale Navigation of a Snake Robot
Shuo Jiang, Adarsh Salagame, Alireza Ramezani, Lawson Wong
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
Quadrupedal Locomotion Control on Inclined Surfaces Using Collocation Method
Adarsh Salagame, Maria Gianello, Chenghao Wang, Kaushik Venkatesh, Shreyansh Pitroda, Rohit Rajput, Eric Sihite, Miriam Leeser, Alireza Ramezani
American Controls Conference (ACC)
Hovering Control of Flapping Wings in Tandem with Multi-Rotors
Aniket Dhole, Bibek Gupta, Adarsh Salagame, Xuejian Niu, Yizhe Xu, Kaushik Venkatesh, Paul Ghanem, Ioannis Mandralis, Eric Sihite, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Demonstrating Autonomous 3D Path Planning on a Novel Scalable UGV-UAV Morphing Robot
Eric Sihite, Filip Slezak, Ioannis Mandralis, Adarsh Salagame, Milad Ramezani, Arash Kalantari, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Actuation and Flight Control of a High-DOF Dynamic Morphing Wing Flight by Shifting Structure Response
Eric Sihite, Adarsh Salagame, Paul Ghanem, Alireza Ramezani
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerobat using Lifting Line Theory and Wagner's Function
Eric Sihite, Paul Ghanem, Adarsh Salagame, Alireza Ramezani
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Narrow-Path, Dynamic Walking Using Integrated Posture Manipulation and Thrust Vectoring
Kaushik Venkatesh, Chenghao Wang, Shreyansh Pitroda, Adarsh Salagame, Eric Sihite, Reza Nemovi, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib
Technical Report
Thruster-Assisted Incline Walking
Kaushik Venkatesh, Chenghao Wang, Shreyansh Pitroda, Adarsh Salagame, Eric Sihite, Reza Nemovi, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib
Technical Report
Progress Towards Untethered Autonomous Flight of Northeastern University Aerobat
Adarsh Salagame
MS Thesis
Bang-Bang Control of a Tail-less Morphing Wing Flight
Eric Sihite, Xintao Hu, Bozhen Li, Adarsh Salagame, Paul Ghanem, Alireza Ramezani
Technical Report
A letter on progress made on Husky Carbon
Adarsh Salagame, Shoghair Manjikian, Chenghao Wang, Kaushik Venkatesh, Shreyansh Pitroda, Bibek Gupta, Tobias Jacob, Benjamin Mottis, Eric Sihite, Milad Ramezani, Alireza Ramezani
Technical Report
Precision Landing of a UAV on a Moving Platform for Outdoor Applications
Adarsh Salagame, Sushant Govindraj, S. N. Omkar
Technical Report
Practical Challenges in Landing a UAV on a Dynamic Target
Adarsh Salagame, Sushant Govindraj, S. N. Omkar
Technical Report